The 27th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference on Resilience of International Entrepreneurship in times of turbulence
Save the date for the next McGill International Entrepreneurship conference!
It will take place at August 15-17, 2024, at the LUT University in Lappeenranta, Finland. The conference theme is “International entrepreneurship in a world driven by megatrends of digitalization and sustainability”.
Fellow ie-Scholars, Sami Saarenketo, Olli Kuivalainen and Maria Uzhegova will chair the conference.
More information can be found here.
Linnaeus University (LNU) School of Business & Economics look forward welcoming participants to småland (the small countries) in southeastern Sweden. Linnaeus university is a modern, international university carrying a legacy - the spirit of “smålandsk” entrepreneurship exemplified by Carl von Linné (1707 – 1778) an academic entrepreneur within biology who invented the binomial nomenclature or Ingvar Kamprad (1926-2018) a local business entrepreneur who founded IKEA – a very early International Entrepreneur, hence it is only natural for an entrepreneurial university (LNU) to host a conference like the McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference (MIE).
International entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial international smaller firms have dominated the growth of the global economy under the labels of International New Ventures, Born Global, International Start-ups or Rapidly Internationalizing Enterprises that compete internationally from inception or soon thereafter. They deploy innovative and competitive strategies to achieve growth at global markets; through interactions with global factories, they influence the dynamics of competition, even in times of de-globalization. During global crises like COVID they have swiftly adapted new forms of entrepreneurial internationalization, turning them into Digitized Born Globals or International Digi-preneurs. The McGill international Entrepreneurship (MIE) conference series has traditionally examined the frontier issues related to entrepreneurial internationalization and internationalization of the small and medium sized enterprise (iSMEs).
Following the tradition established by the previous conferences since 1998, this conference aims to bring together leading-edge views of academic scholars, insightful practitioners, and policy makers with interests in the fields of international entrepreneurship, internationalization, and growth of SMEs to examine the resilience and consequent changes, and the dominant pattern(s) of emerging developments in international entrepreneurship. In previous plenary sessions, prominent scholars, including Hamid Etemad, Tamer Cavusgil, Nicole Coviello Marian Jones, Gary Knight, Tage Koed Madsen, Patricia McDougall, Rod McNaughton, Nina Nummela, Benjamin Oviatt, Olli Kuivalainen, Per Servais, and Antonella Zucchella, among many others, presented provocative ideas in moving research frontiers forward. The 2023 conference is organized by Linnaeus University, School of Business & Economics and the knowledge platform “GlobalMind”.
Programme can be updated
August 30
13.00 Registration opens - House Culmen
14.00-16.30 Presentations - Room Azur
Irene Achieng Ochieng & Virginia Martin Sanchez
Tashfeen, Ahmad; Artificial Intelligence and Opportunities for International Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries.
Christopher, Boafo; University-Business Linkage Knowledge Transfer Impacts on International Business Competence: Evidence from Sub-Saharan African Business Schools.
Manoella Antonieta Ramos; Formal industry clusters and internationalisation of SMEs in the Life Science Industry: A multiple case study
Golzar Daneshzad; "Examining the Role of Market Orientation in Achieving Financial Sustainability in the Context of Immigrant Entrepreneurial SMEs in Sweden
16.30 Summary - Room Azur
17.00 (Gathering 16.55 outside house Stella) Guided tour around the university
18.00 Meet and greet - Slottshotellet Kalmar
August 31
08.00 Registration opens - House Culmen
08.30 Welcome
08.45 The International Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub (IE KnowledgeHub project of pedagogical written-audio-visual case studies. Hamid Etemad & Hamed Motaghi. - Room Azur
09.30 Keynote Mika Gabrielsson - Room Azur
10.00-11.00 Presentations - Room Azur
Rosalina Torres-Ortega & Luis Zarate-Montero; Digital Transformation and Internationalization Of The Smes In Emerging Markets: A Systematic Literature Review.
Per Servais & Jan Aidemark; Designing the digi-preneurial firm – beyond traditional business modelling.
Nicolaj Hannesbo: ” Sustainable, digital and/or innovation creating resilience within international business models”
11.00-11.20 Break
11.20-12.20 Presentations - Room Azur
David Crick, Ali Mahdi, James M. Crick, Wadid Lamine, and Martine Spence; Resilience Among Passive Exporters in a Post Turbulent COVID-19 Era: A Capabilities Perspective.
Susanne Sandberg; SMEs Resilience in an International Business Context
Martin Hannibal; Exploring the pre-requisites for researching responsible business practices in IE and SME
12.20-13.10 Lunch
13.10-14.30 Presentations - Room Azur
Richard Owusu; Founders' identity and international business opportunity recognition. A study of Ghanaian women's international micro businesses
David Crick & James M. Crick; Resilience in Overcoming the Perceived ‘Double Disadvantage’ of Gender and Ethnicity: Rapidly Internationalising Female Immigrant Entrepreneurs
Maria Elo; Moving Beyond Labelling - Profiling Migrant Entrepreneurs and Their Businesses in Germany
Maria Ivanova-Gongne: Linguistic identities of female migrant talent in professional and entrepreneurship context
14.30-14.50 Break
14.50-16.10 Presentations - Room Azur
Waheed Bhatti; Transformation Journey: From Being a Startup to a Listed Firm
Maqsood Sandhu; Business Support Innovation Ecosystems for International Entrepreneurial Start-Ups
Agnieszka Nowinska & Thomas Roslyng Olesen; Push-Induced Spin-Offs: Understanding Heterogeneity and Industry Impact
Niklas Åkerman; Is International Entrepreneurship the Same as Entrepreneurial Internationalization?
16.30 Transport to Kalmar Science Park. Gathering outside Kalmar Turistcenter
18.00 Dinner - Kalmar Science Park
September 1
08.30-9.00 Keynote Emilia Nordman - Room Azur
09.00-10.00 Presentations - Room Azur
Helén Anderson; On the Dynamics of Buyer-Seller Interaction within a Local Business Network over time
Svante Andersson; Entrepreneurs’ imprinting history influences on international new venture creation
Hannes Velt; Many Roads Lead To Rome? Configurational Approach To Decision-Making Logics And Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition Among International And Domestic Firms Of Different Ages
10.00-10.20 Break
10.20-10.50 Keynote Anders Pehrsson - Room Azur
10.50-12.00 Presentations - Room Azur
Hélène Laurell: Market Heterogeneity and its Influence on Decision-Making Logics for Internationalization Speed and Business Model
Manoella Antonieta Ramos; “How image and awareness relates to internal and external stakeholders' acceptance of B2B rebranding”
Helén Anderson; On stakes (and barriers) of electrification within the aviation industry
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.00 Presentations - Room Azur
Luis Zarate-Montero & Rosalina Torres-Ortega; Connecting global value chains from an emerging market: Unfolding the advantages of outsourcing.
Faisal Iddris: Entrepreneurship Education on International Entrepreneurship Intention: The Role of Entrepreneurship Alertness, Proactive Personality and Innovative Behavior and Global Mindset.
Tuija Mainela; International Business as a practice of international entrepreneuring
14.00-14.20 Break
14.20-14.50 Keynote Antonella Zucchella - Room Azur
14.50-15.30 Panel discussion - Room Azur
The 2023 conference holds a similar promise and will follow that tradition and leverage an agenda with three parts:
Research-Intensive Workshop: An intensive, two-day Research conference will focus on examination and the further development of potent concepts, frameworks, theories, and methodologies for better understanding of internationalizing entrepreneurial firms facing challenges, prospects and problems associated with their digital transformation for higher global competitiveness. This part will provide a unique opportunity for scholars to discuss path-breaking concepts, ideas, frameworks, and theory-essentials in the plenary and competitive paper sessions by discussing their on-going research. Only unpublished completed, or nearly completed, papers are invited for presentation and feedback from other scholars and invited practitioners and policy makers. A selected list of papers will be considered for further publication in scholarly venues, including the Journal of International Entrepreneurship (IJIE) the European Journal of International Management (EJIM) and European Business Review (EBR). Furthermore, there will be the opportunity for inclusion of advances in related research in the second volume in the New Horizons in International Entrepreneurship Series, or the eight volume of the McGill International Entrepreneurship Book Series (Both by Elgar Publishing) –. For previous publications resulting from the conference see .
The Conference Invites empirical and theoretical research papers on any of the following topics and related areas. An illustrative list includes, but is not limited to, the following themes:
- Creation and testing of theoretical frameworks in IE with associated methodologies and measurements
- Characteristics and practices of international entrepreneurs
- Business model development and design processes of IE firms
- Cross-national comparisons of growth patterns of internationally oriented and entrepreneurial firms
- Digital transformations of International SME’s and Digi-preneurs
- Entrepreneurial characteristics and challenges in transnational start-ups
- Gender issues in internationalization and international entrepreneurship
- Scaling and Scoping the IE firm – the role of HRM practices
- Impact of Institutional, Learning and relationships on internationalization processes
- Diaspora and Refugees in International entrepreneurship
- Founding Teams and innovative internationalization
- International of Cultural and Creative Industries
- Internationalizing SME:s and smart specialization or virtual clusters
- Methodological issues in research on small firms in international marketplace
- Patterns of internationalization in smaller entrepreneurial firms in emerging markets
- Regional Issues and Research in international entrepreneurship
- Innovation in Entrepreneurship; contextualizing the GCC within the global narrative. Advancement of international social entrepreneurship.
- Stimulation and gamification of International Entrepreneurship and Innovative environment: Global Digital perspectives
- Glocal enterprise and innovation: global perspectives,
- International Entrepreneurship of Life Science & Medical Innovations
- Other topics of relevance to the conference theme
Business/Professional Workshop: This part will consist of an open session for interaction with, and meeting of the minds on key issues, ideas and insights with members of the business and policy communities. The focus will be on a better understanding of actual issues facing entrepreneurial firms in their quest for international growth and also on the policy challenges for creating enabling environments. We will visit Kalmar Science Park and the firms there to get a first glance at an IE nest.
Doctoral Colloquium: This part is a dedicated one to two-day workshop on the beginning of the conference. It is designed to address issues of importance, opportunities, and challenges in the rapidly advancing field of International Entrepreneurship for Doctoral Candidates and the new scholars of the field. They are encouraged to participate in the entire conference fully as well. A limited number of competitive scholarships may be awarded to the attending and contributing Doctoral Candidates. A detailed program will be available shortly.
Proposals: The Conference invites cohesive proposals for: i) sessions covering aspects of theory building, methodological issues, ii) formation of multi-location and multi period databases for building and testing theory as well as pedagogical cases and iii) suggestions for content and delivery of pertinent topics for the Doctoral Colloquium, among other conference-related topics.
Keynote speakers
Professor Anders Pehrsson
Carries out research on and teaches about the international strategies of different companies. In his research, he studies, for instance, strategic driving forces behind successful establishments on export markets like Britain, Germany, the US, and Eastern Europe. Studies have been carried out on a number of companies in many different lines of business, including vehicle and telecommunication. The research leads to the development of models and methods that companies can use to increase their international competitiveness. Since 2014, Anders Pehrsson has been the editor of the scientific journal European Business Review.
Professor Anders Pehrsson will give a brief on his new book, Digital Business Strategy, Content, Context and Cases.
Professor Antonella Zucchella
Obtained a PhD in management at Bocconi University, Milan. She's been Associate Professor at Insubria University, Varese, Italy and then Full Professor at Pavia University since 2001. She's also been PhD programme coordinator and Head of Business Economics Department at Pavia University. She is also Senior Research Fellow at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge. Her Research interests is International business, International entrepreneurship, International marketing, Sustainable firms and internationalization, Small firms internationalisation strategies, Local clusters and internationalisation of local systems. Professor Zucchella will address her latest article; International entrepreneurship and the internationalization phenomenon: taking stock, looking ahead.
Professor Mika Gabrielsson
D.Sc. Mika Gabrielsson, Vice Rector Hanken School of Ecocomics, is a professor of international business and sales management (IBS) at the University of Eastern Finland. In his present capacity he heads the IBS program and the Doctorate Program in Business. Prior to this position he served for ten years as professor at Aalto university, where he now is an adjunct professor. Also, he serves at Lappeenranta University of Technology as an adjunct professor. Furthermore, he is affiliated as a visiting professor of human resource management and organizational strategy at University of Portsmouth, UK. He has a long history of studying the internationalization of firms and their sales strategies. He has published about 200 articles in refereed international journals or conference proceedings, and many of them have been included as chapters in International Business books.
Professor Mika Gabrielsson will address his article; “Characteristics of digital artifacts in international endeavors of digital‐based international new ventures”
Professor Emilia Rovira Nordman
Is a researcher and the Head of Subject at Mälardalen university. Her research interests include: (1) the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (2) the interaction, networks and knowledge development of firms. In 2009, Emilia Rovira Nordman received her Ph. D. in Business Administration from the Stockholm School of Economics. In 2014 she became Docent at the same school. Emilia Rovira Nordman teaches in the areas of marketing, international marketing, and research methodology. Professor Nordman is a specialist on technology new ventures and will address her article; Digitalization and International Online Sales: Antecedents of Purchase Intent.
Professor Tuija Mainela
Is a Professor of International Business at the University of Oulu, Finland. She obtained her Ph.D. at University of Vaasa and her research interests include international entrepreneurship and internationalization of firms, dynamics of business networks and interpersonal relationships, and organizational change processes. She has several important publications on International Business Opportunities. Presently she leads a research project focused on innovation and change in health care sector. I have published in international scholarly journals, such as Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of World Business, Human Relations, International Journal of Management Reviews, Industrial Marketing Management, Scandinavian Journal of Management and Journal of International Entrepreneurship, and have contributed to several books as an author of chapters. Professor Mainela is responsible for several KATJA Ph.D. courses and will give feedback to the doctorial students at the conference.
Sustainable event
The 27th Mcgill International Enrepreneurship Conference on Resilience of international Entrepreneurship in times of turbulence is a sustainability-assured meeting in accordance with Linnaeus University’s guidelines for sustainable events. These guidelines are linked to the 17 global goals in Agenda 2030 and comprise the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, the social, and the environmental.
Learn more about Linnaeus University´s sustainable events here.