Flowers at the Academic Ceremony 2023

Academic Ceremony 2024

The academic ceremony is Linnaeus University’s grand annual celebration. By conferring degrees upon new doctors and honorary doctors, and inaugurating new professors, we celebrate the academic achievements of the year. Throughout the week, the university also hosts a variety of engaging activities, in which all those interested are welcome to participate. The complete programme can be found below. All activities will be held in Swedish.


Academic Ceremony, Friday, 2 February 2024.

  • 4pm Academic Ceremony, Växjö Concert Hall. Conferment of doctoral degrees and honorary doctorates, and inauguration of new professors.
    Open to the public. No pre-registration required, but seating is limited. We kindly ask guests to be in place and seated in the hall by 3.45pm.
  • 6.30pm Reception for invited guests
    Linnaeus University in Växjö, the N Building
  • 7.30pm Banquet with entertainment for invited guests
    Linnaeus University in Växjö, the N Building

Other activities during the week

All activities are open to anyone who wishes to participate – fellow researchers, engaged staff members, curious students, and of course, the general public who are pondering what the university actually does. Only the activity “30 years of forestry and wood technology research” requires pre-registration, but anyone is welcome to sign up. All activities will be held in Swedish. Welcome!

  • Inaugural lectures with the university’s new professors. Here you have the opportunity to gain deeper insight into the research conducted at the university and the future of the field of study. This year we have professors in areas including forestry management, education, public law, social work, and health sciences. What future trends will be important for your organisation?

    Lectures will take place in both Kalmar and Växjö and will also be live-streamed via Zoom.
    Inauguration lectures 30 January 2024 in Kalmar
    Inauguration lectures 31 January 2024 in Växjö

  • Poster exhibition with this year’s new doctors. Are you curious to read more about those who have completed their doctoral studies this year and the subjects of their research? The doctors will then be conferred during the ceremony. The exhibition will be available at the university in both Kalmar and Växjö throughout the week. Visit the poster exhibition in Zenit, in the Culmen Building in Kalmar, and Glaset, in the K Building in Växjö. Drop in at your own convenience!

  • Jubilee – 30 years of forestry and wood technology research
    In 2024, it will be 30 years since the commitment to forestry and wood technology research began. We wish to celebrate this by looking back and at the same time reflecting on the future. What has the journey been like and what’s currently in the pipeline? We will discuss everything from the forests of the future to timber houses, bioenergy, and digitalisation. Wednesday, 31 January in the M Building at Linnaeus University in Växjö. For more information (only available in Swedish), click here.

  • In the exhibition about Carl Linnaeus, we engage with the scientist whose name we bear. We place him and his work in a context, while also relating to the present. Who was Carl Linnaeus, and what does it mean for a university to be named after a historical figure? Carl Linnaeus is one of Sweden’s most famous scientists, but is he a role model for a modern university? In a place where critical thinking and discussion are central, this is an important question. The exhibition is on display at the University Library in Växjö, during library opening hours.
  • Linnaeus’s garden. At Linnaeus University in Kalmar, there will soon be a small piece of Carl Linnaeus’s garden. We call it the Linnaeus Garden, and it’s located on the terrace between Culmen and Vita. The first plant to be placed was a purple willow, Salix purpurea. The plant was a gift to Linnaeus University and came from Linnaeus’s summer residence Hammarby outside Uppsala. Right now, the Linnaeus Garden is a newly sown seed that is growing vigorously, and soon it will be in full bloom. For more nformation (only available in Swedish), please click here.

  • The exhibition on the Academic Ceremony can be visited throughout this week. Here you have the opportunity to learn more about the rituals and customs of the ceremony, as well as the chance to take a closer look at the insignia; the doctoral hat, the laurel wreath, and the ring. Open all week. Galleri Linnéa in Kalmar and Galleri Linné in Växjö.
- Nanny Fransson Add to your calendar