From the great exhibition hall on Campus Växjö

Career Day Technology 2024

Career Day Technology is a day for businesses, organisations, and students in the fields of construction, computing/IT, and technology to network and establish useful contacts for the future.

Our Career Day is all about creating possibilities for new contacts and networking between students and their future, possible, employers. There will be an exhibition with companies and organisations, some lectures on todays theme "Career", opportunities for speed dating, and a pitching competition where students will evaulate the best employer on stage. The schedule is being planned to be relevant for all the different student groups mentioned, with a combination of time for attending lectures, activities, as well as time to talk to the participating companies and organisations.

The exhibition will be open from 10 am to 15 pm.

Do you need a bus ride from Kalmar?

If you live in Kalmar and want to participate in Career Day Technology 2024, we can offer a free bus ride in both directions. You can book your trip to Växjö (and back again). Departures will be announced later this fall. 

Preliminary programme

We recommended the following activities for all English speaking students. Be sure to take the opportunity to speak to the companies in the exhibition - they are all prepared to speak to You, and many of them are very interested in collaborations, no matter the language.

10.00 The fair starts! Take the opportunity to book speed dating. A great opportunity for those who are going to have an internship, degree project or job. Don't forget to take a color marker (show what you are studying) also entitle you to a lunch wrap.

10.55-11.55 In cooperation with a company. How to get the most out of degree projects, course assignments. - IKEA-salen, House N

You can follow the lecture here:

12.00 Lunch sandwich

13.00-15.00 Speed dating – Book your appointment! 

Guest lecture Volvo: Technology shift – Electromobility, Fredrik Borenberg, Head of Uptime & Quality Lecture hall M1088 (NCC)

15.00 The fair closes

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