Competitive wood-based materials and timber structures
Research and education at Linnaeus University aims to contribute to the transition to a green and climate neutral or even climate positive construction sector. The conference series Sustainable Building with Wood is intended for a wide audience of stakeholders and the academic community interested in current trends, latest knowledge, scientific research and practical examples along the wood construction value chain for increased competitiveness and sustainable development.
The focus of the conference in September 2024 is on wood-based materials and timber structures. Researchers from different universities in Sweden and practicing engineers will present current research and building projects and discuss future challenges and collaboration opportunities.
During the conference, the Carola and Carl-Olof Ternryd's award will be awarded to two distinguished researchers. Carola and Carl-Olof Ternryd's award for outstanding contributions in the forestry sector as well as education, research and development at Linnaeus University is awarded every two years. It is awarded to persons who have made significant contributions in areas within the forestry industry, primarily wood processing. Part of the amount goes to an individual researcher and the other part to a department within the Faculty of Technology at Linnaeus University, in order to establish a long-term collaboration in research and education with the researcher.
More information about Carola and Carl-Olof Ternryd's award (in Swedish) are published at Linnéakademiens forskningsstiftelse. Read more about the award here.
More information about the research project Competitive timber structures can be read here.
08.30-08.50 Opening of conference, Södra building M
Vice chancellor Peter Aronsson & Thomas Bader
08.50–10.10 Session 1 – Competitive wood-based materials
- 08.50-9.10 Kristofer Gamstedt, Uppsala University: Importance of shear creep in wood
- 09.10-9.30 Jonas Niklewski, Lund University: Modelling deterioration of timber in exposed environments
- 09.30-9.50 Anders Olsson, Linnaeus University: From modelling of sawn timber to standardized strength classes for cross laminated timber
- 09.50-10.10 Tomas Alsmarker, Swedish Wood: Bioeconomic competitiveness - greatest climate benefit at the lowest cost
10.10–10.40 Coffee and fika
10.40–12.00 Session 2 – Competitive timber structures
- 10.40-11.00 Erik Serrano, Lund University: Innovative Tailored Laminated Timber (InnoTLT) – CLT evolution or revolution?
- 11.00-11.20 Yue Wang and Tianxiang Wang, KTH Royal Institute of Technology: Innovative timber connections with birch plywood
- 11.20-11.40 Johan Vessby, Karlstad University: How to avoid large vertical displacements in light-frame timber modules
- 11.40-12.00 Petra Videstorm, Martinsons Building Systems: Wooden office buildings - opportunities and challenges
12.00–13.00 Lunch
13.00–15.00 Carola and Carl-Olof Ternryd’s award
Linnaeus Academy’s Research Foundation, Fredrik Åberg
Presentation of the awardees: Josef Eberhardsteiner and Josef Füssl, TU Wien,
Thomas Bader, Linnaeus University
Panel discussion about future of wood construction
Susanne Rudenstam, Träbyggnadskansli, Kristoffer Segerholm, Södra & Staffan Schartner, Linnaeus University.
15.00 Coffee and fika
Opportunity to visit Linnaeus University’s laboratory.
A sustainable event
This conference is a sustainability-assured meeting in accordance with Linnaeus University’s guidelines for sustainable events. These guidelines are linked to the 17 global goals in Agenda 2030 and comprise the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, the social, and the environmental. Learn more about Linnaeus University’s sustainable events here.