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Social Prescribing -What is it? How is it done?

Access to social support and community are basic human needs. Lack of this, in the form of involuntary loneliness, is as important a risk factor for illness, ill-health and premature death as, for example, smoking. In social prescribing, the resources of primary care and the local community are linked together by a health pilot to promote health in a coordinated and person-centered manner.

Conference closed

The conference will be held at Staby Gårdshotel in Högsby, Sweden but will also be live streamed. The link to the live stream will be sent to those who register the day before the conference starts.

Most of the content will be held in Swedish but below you will find the conference content held in English. For full conference program please look at the Swedish web page (click on Swedish at the top of this page). 

For questions or other input during the conference please contact us at

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