Social Prescribing -What is it? How is it done?
Access to social support and community are basic human needs. Lack of this, in the form of involuntary loneliness, is as important a risk factor for illness, ill-health and premature death as, for example, smoking. In social prescribing, the resources of primary care and the local community are linked together by a health pilot to promote health in a coordinated and person-centered manner.
The conference will be held at Staby Gårdshotel in Högsby, Sweden but will also be live streamed. The link to the live stream will be sent to those who register the day before the conference starts.
Most of the content will be held in Swedish but below you will find the conference content held in English. For full conference program please look at the Swedish web page (click on Swedish at the top of this page).
For questions or other input during the conference please contact us at
Program - held in English
All times are in Central European Time (CET).
Monday October 7:
12.40 - 13.30 pm:
Social Prescribing - from the Bromley by Bow initiative in East London in the 1990s to National Health Services 30 years later. Sam Everington, Bromley By Bow Center, London, UK.
13.30 - 14.30 pm:
Digital poster presentation via zoom webinar. Three selected posters will be presented. Read more under Abstracts and posters below.
15.00-16.00 pm :
International definition of the Social Prescribing concept with International Examples:
- Common understanding of social prescribing - A delphi study. Caitlin Muhl, PhD Candidate of Health Quality at Queen's University Ontario, Kanada
- Social prescribing as a Government Assignment. Caroline Wallis, Professor, Community Health and Care Services, Wales Institute for Social Prescribing Research.
- Social Prescribing - evidence hub. Mary Lynch, professor of health economy, Bangor Wales, UK.
18.00 pm:
Discussion to summarize the day. For those who participate digitally, there is an opportunity to do this via Zoom.
Tuesday October 8:
09.00-09.30 am:
Reflection after Monday.
Sam Everington, Bromley By Bow Center, London, UK.
09.50 -10.10
Healthier together. How arts on prescription can promote psychosocial wellbeing. Research and practice. Anita Jensen,Kultur och hälsostrateg, forskningsledare Kultur på recept, Region Skåne.
13.30-14.00 pm:
- Selection of and training for link-workers. Sian Brand, Chair of the National Social Prescribing Network, England.
- Experiences from National Health Services. Dan Hopewell, Director of Knowledge and Innovation, Bromley by Bow Health.
Abstracts and posters
Following three posters have been selcted to present digitally in a zoom webinar Mondag October 7 at 1.30PM - 2.30 PM (CET):
Social Prescribing within the C.O.P.E. project for young people in a NEET situations. Lessons learnt and future perspectives and opportunities. Sara Paternoster & Regina Alves, for the COPE Study Group. Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi Sanitari, Italy 2 CIEC & University of Minho, Portugal.
"Link worker training model”in Lapland region in Northern Finnish context. Paula Yliniemi & Jukka Hakola, Lapland University of Applied Sciences.
Alleviating loneliness among older adults in long-term care through nature-based interventions: RECETAS project in Helsinki. Annika Kolster, Laura Rautiainen, Anu Jansson, Ulla Aalto, Timo Partonen, Laura Coll-Planas, Jill Litt & Kaisu Pitkälä.
Other posters:
Advances in Social Prescribing in Portugal. Ana Gama, Louise Hoffmeister, Barbara Gonçalves, Cristiano Figueiredo & Sónia Dias.
"What matters to you?" Primary Health Care Professionals (PHCP) engaging with Social Prescribing and Community Orientation (SPCO), Miriam Dolan, Joyce Kenkre, Ferdinando Petrazzuoli, Jane Randall-Smith, Social prescribing and Community Orientation Special Interest Group WONCA EUROPE.
Community as a well-being reinforcer - social prescribing in finnish Lapland, Vilma Sydänlammi, The wellbeing services county.
Längtar du efter gemenskap eller en mer aktiv vardag? Malin Johansson, hälsolots i Högsby kommun.
Abstract in English:
Health Navigator - support for Those Who Want to Break Their Loneliness
A health navigator provides support to help you connect with others, find community, and engage in social activities. The health navigator also assists in overcoming loneliness and the feeling of being left out, helping you find joy and meaning together with others. Social relationships are important for our health and well-being. That’s why we call this service a health navigator.The health navigator starts from your conditions and needs, focusing on strengthening what is healthy. The health navigator organizes certain activities but primarily has contacts that help you find, for example, a group, association, organization, or similar where you feel comfortable. You can contact the health navigator yourself and book a meeting or ask a friend for help. It is equally possible to get in touch through primary care and municipal services. The meeting can take place in the health navigator’s premises or, for example, outdoors. You and the health navigator decide together what suits you best. You have the opportunity to meet the health navigator five times. The support is free of charge for those residing in Högsby municipality. Does it sound interesting?
Omtanke Helsingborg –från ensamhet till gemenskap.Bitte Wikström & Charlotta Schön, Omtanke Helsingborg.
Abstract in English: