Exhibition - Håll mej, du ohållbara
Håll mej, du ohållbara is an exhibition by Åskar Lilja with illustrations from the book Ohållbart många ohälsosamma haikus om hållbar hälsa.
During 2022-2023, Åskar Lilja had an artist residency at Linnaeus University. The residency included a process where research within the Knowledge Environment Linnaeus - Sustainable Health, is transformed into an artistic interpretation in the form of the book Ohållbart många ohälsosamma haikus om hållbar hälsa (Unsustainably many unhealthy haikus about sustainable health) The book contains a thought-provoking collection of haikus and illustrations that highlight different aspects of sustainable health. As a result of this residency, the exhibition Håll mej, du ohållbara has now come to life.
“What you see in front of you are actually small, flimsy sketches and drawings that have been drawn up in size. What happens to my figures then? Do they mesure up to expectation?
Do they become pixelated? Do they become flat? Do they become funnier? Or maybe even scarier?
The questions are many. Unsustainably many.”
- Åskar Lilja
Welcome to the opening!
September 3rd, at 14.30.
Galleri Linné, floor 3, the University Library, Växjö.
Exhibition period September 3rd - December 15th, 2024 at Galleri Linné (Växjö) and Galleri Linnéa (in Kalmar from week 38)
Åskar Lilja is what many would call an all-round artist. He is a visual artist (drawing/painting), musician, filmmaker and photographer. He also organizes (what he himself calls them) alternative city tours. In these he shows a Växjö that most people miss; for example, backyards with paintings, fun and often strange details that hurt. And for the past year he has been running the art gallery Kaross, in the old Uffes basement in central Växjö.
Åskar doesn't have a website, but he has several Instagram accounts to explore:
Read more about the Linnaeus Knowledge Environment - Sustainable Health here.