Workshop in automatic transcription part 1: MyGoodTape
We have developed two workshops in automated transcription intended for researchers and teachers who want to supervise students. Part 1, MyGoodTape, requires no prior knowledge. To register for part 1, you do not need to also participate in part 2.
Welcome to an introductory workshop on automatic transcription! No major computer skills are required, and the workshop is designed to support participants who are not already comfortable with digital methods.
This introductory workshop will be based on the tool MyGoodTape, which was approved by Linnaeus University for transcription in 2023. We will briefly talk about the elements involved in getting a good transcription, before the focus turns to the workshop’s practical content. The goal is that you as a participant, after the workshop, should have a good idea of what to consider when material is recorded for automatic transcription, and how the transcription itself can be performed.
We will provide a set of example files and tools to prepare your own material for the workshop.
Read more about Workshop in automatic transcription part 2: Whisper.
The workshop will be held in the LiLa lab in Växjö. The number of places is limited and registration is made to Daniel Ocic Ihrmark at If you have any questions about the workshop, Daniel can also answer them. The last day to register is 19 April 2024.
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This workshop is an arrangement within the Huminfra network, a Swedish network for digital and experimental research in the humanities.