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3 Steps to get the job -Webinar. Part 2: Cover letter

The Career Center presents the webinar series "3 steps to get the job" where you will get information and inspiration to prepare yourself for the job seeking process.

The series consists of three independent parts, three days in a row. The webinars will be held in English.

Durig the second webinar we will talk about the Cover letter.

  • Gain insights into the purpose and structure of an effective cover letter.
  • Learn how to tailor your cover letter for different job applications.
  • Understand strategies for showcasing your fit and value to employers.
  • Discover tips for making your cover letter engaging for the Swedish job market.

To register for the webinar, click here. If this is your first time visiting the career portal, you need to create an account. Then you can register for all career related events, find jobs and future employers!

This is part 2 of the Career Center's webinar series "3 steps to get the job". Read more about the other parts: 

//The Career counsellors