A career outside Academia
Are you a doctoral student? Learn more about a career outside Academia – how your competencies can be used and what tools can be needed to navigate successfully on the labour market.
The seminar is given in English and is part of a seminar series for doctoral students.
As a PhD student, you have developed a unique set of skills and strengths throughout your academic journey. However, translating these competencies for a non-academic career can be challenging. This seminar can be the starting point for reflecting upon your skills and how to use them outside the Academic sphere. We also hope to provide you with some useful tools when navigating the labour market outside academia.
Guiding you through this seminar are Linnaeus University's career counsellors Fanny Elheim and Sofie Edström. Hope to see you there!
About the seminar series
Welcome to participate in a series of seminars in different fields that help you navigate through your doctoral education.
The series will provide you as a doctoral student with important information about different aspects of your studies. It will train you in general competences, preparing you both for the research process during your studies and for a life after your graduation. The seminars are aimed at all doctoral students at Linnaeus University, independent of which subject or faculty you belong to.