Open lectures by this year's new professors, Kalmar
Warmly welcome to acquaint yourself with Linnaeus University's research within the subjects of optometry, farm animal welfare, natural sciences didactics, environmental risk analysis, caring science, sport science, history, design, creative writing, informatics, and timber architecture.
This year's so-called inauguration lectures will take place in Kalmar on Tuesday 28 January and in Växjö on Wednesday 29 January, by the new professors that are to be inaugurated at the Academic Ceremony in Kalmar on Friday 31 January. The lectures are open to all and will also be live-streamed on the web.
The link to the live-stream will be published on the day of the event.
Kalmar, Tuesday 28 January 2025
The lectures with Swedish titles are presented in Swedish.
There will be mingle & refreshments between the lectures.
Daiana de Oliveira
Professor of farm animal welfare
Beyond compliance: Shaping the future of farm animal welfare in a changing world
In this lecture, I will explore the science of farm animal welfare and its growing importance in modern agriculture. I will discuss how understanding the emotional and physical needs of animals can improve their lives and contribute to more sustainable farming practices. I will also address the challenges and opportunities for advancing animal welfare in Sweden and how my research on positive welfare can support the expansion of perspectives based on scientific insights. Looking ahead, I believe the future of farming lies in adapting agricultural systems where high animal welfare is fully integrated, ensuring a better future for both animals and people.
Rupert Hough
Professor of environmental risk analysis
Calculated risks – taking a bite from the poisoned apple
My research is all about undesirable substances in our environment, food and water with the potential to cause us harm. Just like the poisoned apple in Snow White, I calculate how we become exposed to poisons, how much poison is too much, and how we might prevent or reverse the effects. I build large models that try to estimate the risks from the many poisons present in our environment and these models have been used in the development of regulation and standard setting. Ultimately, I want to see my research being used to improve food and water quality and ultimately public health.
Bodil Sundberg
Professor of natural sciences didactics
Så kan vi få in mer kreativitet och förundran i grundskolans naturvetenskap
Utgångspunkten för min forskning är att många elever är intresserade av naturvetenskap, men inte den naturvetenskap de möter i skolan. I min presentation kommer jag dela med mig av resultat och erfarenheter från projekt där jag och erfarna lärare planerat, genomfört och utvärderat NO-undervisning som ger mer plats för elevers kreativitet, nyfikenhet och förundran. Syftet är att undersöka hur en sådan undervisning påverkar elevers engagemang och lärande.
António Macedo
Professor of optometry
Advancing eye health through epidemiology: From disease history to innovative treatments
Hanna Hallgren
Professor of creative writing
Hur ser din färg rött ut? Varför är det att leva som finns?
Om kreativt skrivande och konstnärlig forskning och vad som egentligen händer när forskare skriver
Jag forskar inom kreativt skrivande och undersöker vad skrivandet kan ha för roll inom både vetenskaplig och konstnärlig forskning. Min forskning placerar sig i snittet mellan vetenskap och konst, och försöker skapa nya insikter inom båda fälten. Om skrivande används som en medveten metod kan nya akademiska frågor och genrer uppstå. Hur ser din färg rött ut? Varför är det att leva som finns?
Växjö, Wednesday 29 January 2025
See the program for the inauguration lectures 29 January in Växjö.