Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations, 5 (QTRF5)
Arranged by ICMM - International Centre for Mathematical Modelling in physics, engineering and cognitive sciences - at Vaxjo University, Sweden (which today is a part of Linnaeus University). Supported by Profile of Vaxjo University: “Mathematical Modeling and System Collaboration.”
This is the 5th conference arranged by ICMM which is devoted to quantum foundations, especially clarification of fundamental questions. The first four conferences took place in 2001, 2003, 2005, and 2007. Some closely related conferences are Bohmian Mechanics 2000 and Foundations of probability and Physics 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, and 2008.
The Vaxjo series of conferences QTRF:1-5, FPP:1-5, is the longest series devoted to quantum foundations in the history of QM. QTRF-4 (2007) was devoted to the 80 years of the Copenhagen Interpretation.
During previous conferences we were fortunate to have not only physicists (theorists as well as experimentalists), mathematicians, and several philosophers interested in foundations of quantum theory. Fundamental questions of quantum mechanics, especially information theory, quantum computing, cryptography, and teleportation have continued to be central topics in this series of conferences.
The structure of this conference will differ essentially from previous conferences. Four special sessions will be organized, besides the main conference block - General Questions of Quantum Foundations. The number of invited speakers will be reduced to minimum and contributed (20 min) talks are welcome to all sessions, the general as well special sessions.
Proceedings will be published as a special issue of "Foundations of Physics".
Organization committee - Special Sessions
Khrennikov (Vaxjo University, Sweden),T. Nieuwenhuizen (Univ. of Amsterdam, The Netherlands): General Questions of Quantum Foundations
G. Jaeger (Boston University, USA): Entanglement and Nonlocality
H.-T. Elze (Univ. di Pisa, Italy): Emergent Quantum Mechanics and Symmetries
I. Bengtsson (Stockholm Univ., Sweden): Quantum Geometry and Probability
I. Volovich (Steklov Math. Inst., Moscow, Russia): Quantum Gravity and Cosmology
A. Khrennikov (Vaxjo University), E. Haven (Leicester University, UK): Quantum mechanics in macro-scopic environments
Invited Talks
Accardi (University of Rome -2, Italy),
G. Adenier (Vaxjo University, Sweden)
M. Appleby (University of London, UK)
A. Bassi (Trieste, Italy)
I. Bengtsson (Stockholm Univ., Sweden)
M. D'Ariano (INFM, Pavia, Italy)
B. D'Hooghe (university of Brussel, Beligium)
F. De Martini (University of Rome, Italy)
H.A De Raedt (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
H.-T. Elze (University di Pisa, Italy)
P. Frampton (University of North Caroline, USA)
C. Fuchs (Petrimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada)
C. Garola (University of Salento, Italy)
M. Genovese (INRIM, Turin, Italy)
A. Go (National Central University of Taiwan and CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
K. Gustafson (University of Boulder, USA)
E. Haven (University of Leicester, UK)
J.M. Isidro (Instituto de Matematica, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain)
G. Jaeger (Boston University, USA)
A. Khrennikov (Vaxjo University, Sweden)
J.-A.Larsson (Linkoping University, Sweden)
V. Manko (Lebedev Institute Of Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia)
M. Manko (Lebedev Institute Of Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia)
H. B. Nielsen (Niels Bohr Institute, The University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
T. M. Nieuwenhuizen (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
M. Ozawa (Nagoya University, Japan)
A. Plotnitsky (Purdue University, USA)
S. Sozzo (University of Salento, Italy)
T. Sudbery (York University, UK)
A. Uhlmann (University Leipzig, Germany)
I. Volovich (Steklov Math. Inst., Moscow)
N. Watanabe (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
C. Wetterich (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
W. Zurek (Los Alamos national Lab., USA)