yvonne becherini

Linnaeus University in focus in the new issue of Populär Astronomi

Issue 3-2016 features an article about Yvonne Becherini, senior lecturer of physics, as well as an article about CTA, the world's largest gamma observatory.

The Populär Astronomi (Popular Astronomy in English) magazine is published by Svenska Astronomiska Sällskapet (the Swedish Astronomical Society) and issued four times a year. The new September issue features i.a. a long interview with  Yvonne Becherini, senior lecturer in physics at the Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering. In the articel Yvonne tells about her research and her efforts to position Växjö and Linnaeus University on the map when it comes to research in the astroparticle physics area.

The issue also features an article about the international Cherenkov Telescope Array project, which aims to study high-energy radiation from outer space by means of the world's largest gamma observatory. Linnaeus University will contribute to this by testing the telescopes' cameras. Read the article in pdf format (in Swedish).