Apply for scholarship

Apply for Sparbanksstiftelsen Kronans Scholarship 2016

As a student from Linnaeus University, Halmstad University and Blekinge Institute of you can be rewarded with 50 000 or 25 000 SEK for a prominent degree theses.

In extraordinarycases rewards of 100 000 SEK can be given. If you present interesting results you have a good chance of a Kronan scholarship.

For further information please get in contact with your head of department, supervisor or Stiftelsen Kronan's contact person. The degree thesis can be either at basic/undergraduate or advanced/master level (at least 15 hp) and marked during the autumn term of 2015 or the spring term of 2016 at one of the selected institutes.

Applications must be submitted to: Last day for application is June 15.

Read more about the scholarship:

For questions, contact:

Anders Svalin, 
Magnus Thureson,