Big Data

Two scientific papers in the field of Big Data internationally recognized

Researchers of Media Technology at Linnaeus University have got two conference papers accepted to international scientific venues in the USA and in Indonesia.

Both papers are written by PhD candidate Sarwar Jahan Morshed, Senior Lecturer Juwel Rana and Professor Marcelo Milrad, all at the Department of Media Technology, Linnaeus University. The papers are co-authored with Telenor Research, where Juwel Rana works as research scientist.

The first paper is entitled "Open Source Initiatives and Frameworks Addressing Distributed Real-time Data Analytics". It covers and discusses existing frameworks for real-time analysis of big data, based on the growing demand on real-time data analytics to offer new services to users and to provide pro-active customers' care, personalized ads etc. The paper will be presented at the 5th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing for Large Scale Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics, which takes place on May 27, 2016 in Chicago, USA.

The second paper has the heading "Real-time Data Analytics: An Algorithmic Perspective". In this paper, an analysis of different aspects related to real-time data analytics from an algorithmic perspective is shown. The paper will be presented at DMDB 2016, the International Conference on Data Mining and Big Data, on June 25-30 on Bali, Indonesia.

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