Increased number of first-choice applicants for Linnaeus University in the Swedish round
As one of just nine higher education institutions, Linnaeus University goes against the trend and increases the number of first-choice applicants to this autumn’s programmes and courses compared to last year. The increase is two percent. Linnaeus University consolidates its place as the sixth most applied for university.
When closed the application for the Swedish round for the autumn term 2017 at midnight between April 18 and 19 it became clear that roughly two percent fewer people have applied for university studies in Sweden than what was the case for the autumn term 2016.
"Linnaeus University is one few higher education institutions that have seen an increase, and that feels good. The increase can primarily be seen as the result of us having a diverse and attractive selection of programs and courses and that we have been able to mediate this fact to potential students", explains chief communications officer Ingrid Persson.
"It feels extra great that our new master programme in eHealth gets a good start. The timing for the programme is right and it aims to contribute to a more efficient healthcare and increased patient safety and availability", Persson continues.
Among the programmes at Linnaeus University, the leadership and organisation programme has the highest number of first-choice applicants, followed by the pre-school teacher programmes and the nursing programmes. The most popular single-subject courses are social law, psychology, and project management.
For those missed the final application day, it is now possible to make late applications for many programmes and courses. More information on what courses and programmes are still available can be found on
Top ten programmes at Linnaeus University for first-choice applicants
- Leadership and organisation 627
- Pre-school teacher programmes 511
- Nursing programmes 494
- Social work study programme 317
- Web development programme 295
- Primary teaching programme 279
- Business administration and economics programme 275
- Teacher education programme for upper secondary school 232
- Psychologist programme 222
- Forest sciences programme 193
Top ten courses for first-choice applicants
- Social law I 457
- Psychology 372
- Project management I 294
- Sport and nutrition for performance 194
- Strategic communication 192
- Illustration I 186
- Creative writing I 170
- Sustainable forestry I 149
- Deck officer training course, class VII 148
- Basic Arabic 143
Ingrid Persson, chief communications officer, +46480-44 60 45