The SciChallenge project will be presented at an information meeting about Horizon 2020
Senior lecturer Sabri Pllana at the Department of Computer Science will participate at Vinnova's and Vetenskapsrådet's meeting about this year's call for the program Science with and for society.
Horizon 2020 is the largest research and innovation programme in the world, with a budget of close to 80 billion euro during the period of 2014-2020. One of the projects funded by Horizon 2020 is SciChallenge, which aims to get young people interested in education, research and careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). SciChallenge will use competitions to get young people to selfproduce digital scientific education materials to be used by their peers.
At an information meeting arranged on 29 March by Vinnova and Vetenskapsrådet about this year's call for the program Science with and for society within Horizon 2020, Sabri Pllana, senior lecturer in Computer Science at Linnaeus University and Swedish project manager for SciChallenge, will present the project. The presentation takes place under the heading Success factors and recommendations – examples of projects from Horizon 2020.