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International top student awarded Global Swede diploma

Stefan Aleksikj comes from Macedonia and currently studies on the master programme social media and web technologies at Linnaeus University. He was recently awarded the diploma Global Swede, handed out at a ceremony arranged by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Swedish Institute.

Global Swede is part of a long-term relationship building with international students in Sweden. Through this work, bridges of transnational and multicultural networks are established, which contribute long-term to Swedish trade and promote the work to reach solutions for the future.

“We must all work together to overcome the challenges we are facing. Now more than ever before, we must be alert and protect democratic values. Enlightened, broad-minded young women and men – like you – are crucial in order for this to succeed”, said EU and trade minister Ann Linde at the ceremony.

Stefan Aleksikj is an engaged and engaging student. While diligent in his completion of set tasks he often goes beyond what is required, guided by curiosity and motivation to learn. Aleksikj has completed his course work with excellent academic results, in which he has exhibited both exceptional analytical and innovative ability as well as a willingness to work hard towards ambitiously set goals. Aleksikj is a good friend and work companion to his class mates and a reliable and valued student to the faculty.

Link to the programme social media and web technologies.

Photo: Per E Karlsson, Swedish Government Offices