Janusz Sadowski

Researcher in physics "Editors' suggestion" in one of the largest physics journals in the world

Physical Review B has recently selected two articles as "Editors' suggestion" with Janusz Sadowski, guest professor in physics, being one of the authors.

Physical Review B (PRB) is one of the largest physics journals in the world and is published by American Physical Society (APS). Some 4 500 articles are published yearly.

Out of these articles, some are chosen as Editors' suggestions to direct readers to interesting, important, and well-written articles. Two articles with Janusz Sadowski, guest professor in physics at Linnaeus University, as one of the authors have recently been appointed Editor's suggestion: Cubic anisotropy in (Ga,Mn)As layers: Experiment and theory and Band structure evolution and the origin of magnetism in (Ga,Mn)As: From paramagnetic through superparamagnetic to ferromagnetic phase.