Researchers in computer science receive best paper award at European conference
Danny Weyns and Muhammad Usman Iftikhar, presented a new approach to automate the management of internet of things applications at the European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2018).
ECSA 2018, the 12th European Conference on Software Architecture, was arranged in Madrid on 24th to 28th of September. The best paper award at the conference went to "Applying Architecture-based Adaptation to Automate the Management of Internet-of-Things", written by Danny Weyns and Muhammad Usman Iftikhar at the department of computer science and media technology at Linnaeus University together with Danny Hughes and Nelson Matthys from KU Leuven and VersaSense in Belgium.
The paper presents a novel approach to automate the management of Internet of Things applications (IoT). The approach is empirically validated for an IoT network deployed in Leuven. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach is able to significantly reduce the costs for maintenance compared to operators maintaining the network manually (which is common practice today). In addition, the approach guarantees the system requirements 24/7 regardless of uncertainties the system is subject to, something that is very hard or impossible for operators to achieve.