SEK 15 million to Linnaeus University
Earlier this week, the research council Formas allocated research funds to R&D projects and mobility support to researchers in the early stages of their careers. Five applications from Linnaeus University were granted a total of close to SEK 15 million.
Håkan Andersson, senior lecturer at the department of chemistry and biomedicine, has been granted SEK 3 million for the project “Hållbara bioinsekticider från marina toxiner”.
Mats Erik Åström, professor at the department of biology and environmental science, has been granted SEK 2.8 million for the project “Geokemisk, mineralogisk och mikrobiologisk karakterisering av sura sulfatjordar – mot förbättrad vattenkvalitet på kustslätterna”.
Stergios Adamopoulos, professor at the department of forestry and wood technology, has been granted SEK 3 million for the project “Agro-industry feedstocks and side streams for increasing the sustainability of wood panel production”.
Reza Hosseinpourpia, postdoctoral research fellow at the department of forestry and wood technology, has been granted SEK 3 million in mobilisation funds for the project “Thermo-reversible starch-based adhesives for wood panels (Tresa)”.
Elin Lindehoff, senior lecturer at the department of biology and environmental science, has been granted SEK 3 million in mobilisation funds for the project “Produktion av mixotrofa mikroalger för effektiv återvinning av koldioxid och näring från industriutsläpp”.
In addition, Petter Thiblin, postdoctoral fellow at the department of biology and environmental science, has been granted SEK 4.4 million for the project “Konsekvenser av att återutsätta fisk – en nyckelfråga för ett hållbart sportfiska”. However, the project’s home university is SLU.
Håkan Andersson, senior lecturer at the department of chemistry and biomedicine, phone +46480-44 62 24,
Mats Erik Åström, professor at the department of biology and environmental science, phone +4672-594 96 35,
Stergios Adamopoulos, professor at the department of forestry and wood technology, phone +4672-547 22 18,
Reza Hosseinpourpia, postdoctoral research fellow at the department of forestry and wood technology, phone +46730-89 47 33,
Elin Lindehoff, senior lecturer at the department of biology and environmental science, phone +46480-44 73 59,
Annika Sand, senior press officer, phone +4676-830 01 05,