University Library

SEK 44 million to Linnaeus University

A few days ago, The Swedish Research Council allocated more research funds, this time to the research fields of humanities and social sciences. Four applications from Linnaeus University were granted a total of SEK 44 million.

Magnus Carlsson, associate professor at the department of economics and statistics, has been granted SEK 17.6 million for research environment at the project “Att främja mångfald på arbetsmarknaden – vilka åtägrder är mest effektiva? Experimentella studier i samarbete med företag och organisationer.”

Anders Fröjmark, associate professor at the department of cultural sciences, has been granted SEK 17.6 million in project funding within digitalization and cultural heritage for the project “Kartläggning av religion i vardagen – medeltida helgonkulter i Sverige och Finland.”

Fredrik Heinat, associate professor at the department of languages, has been granted SEK 4.5 million in project funding for the project “Kvantifiering i svenska”.

Jon Helgason, senior lecturer at the department of Swedish, has been granted SEK 4.4 million in project funding for the project “Välfärdsstatens litterära paradigm. Litteraturens funktion i Sverige 1937–1976”.


Magnus Carlsson, associate professor at the department of economics and statistics, phone +46480-49 71 87, email
Anders Fröjmark, associate professor at the department of cultural sciences, phone +4672-594 94 13, email
Fredrik Heinat, associate professor at the department of languages, phone +46470-70 87 10, email
Jon Helgason, senior lecturer at the department of Swedish, phone +46470-76 78 87, email
Simon Kristoffersson, communications officer research, phone +4673-051 45 09, email