iInstitute co-arranger of international summer school on digital humanities
Researchers in library and information science and media technology lectured and held workshops at Bal-Adria 2019 in Croatia.
On 16-22 June 2019, the first Baltic-Adriatic Summer School on Digital Humanities was arranged in Zadar, Croatia. The main organisers were the iInstitute at Linnaeus University and the Department of Information Sciences at the University of Zadar. The attendees came from eight European countries and were students at the master's level, doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers and researchers in the humanities and social sciences, as well as professionals in the cultural heritage sectors.
Several researchers from Linnaeus University participated in the conference. Dan Kohen and Marcelo Milrad, senior lecturer and professor of media technology, respectively, worked with the participants on developing their computational thinking and taught them the basics of the programming language Python, in order to be able to work with large data sets from the humanities.
Koraljka Golub, associate professor at the Department of cultural sciences at Linnaeus University, together with Anna Foka from Uppsala University gave an overview of digital research methods for the arts and humanities, such as visualisation, GIS (geographical information systems), linked open data and automatic identification of topics in text.
Read more at the conference website.