Programme coordinators of Innovation master programme

Programme coordinators awarded Innovation Leaders of the Year

The programme coordinators for the master’s programme Innovation through business, engineering and design have received the award Innovation Leaders of the Year at ECI Awards by the organisation IECIA – International Entrepreneurs, Creatives & Innovators Association in China.

It was the alumna Candy Tang, student from the master’s programme Innovation through business, engineering and design, who nominated the programme coordinators for the award. Tang is now active in Shanghai.

Motivation for the award which they have now received in the category education:
“We understand and appreciate your team's achievement, and we greatly admire your team work spirit”

The award goes to all three programme coordinators: Peter Lerman, Sonia Billore, and Miguel Salinas.

On 11 December, Miguel Salinas attended the award ceremony in Shanghai where he received the award. At the ceremony, he also got the opportunity to give a presentation about the master’s programme Innovation through business, engineering and design and the IKEA collaboration The Bridge.

“There was a great interest to learn more about the programme and how we work transdisciplinary with the programme and how we collaborate with companies like, for instance, IKEA on the programme. Initiatives are currently being carried out in China to increase the level of innovation in Chinese society, and education is one of the aspects on which they have started focusing more”, says Miguel Salinas.

ECI Awards