Linnaeus University and Region Kalmar County in joint venture on eHealth
Linnaeus University and Region Kalmar County are engaging in a joint venture to strengthen the field of eHealth in Kalmar and to further accelerate the county’s digital development.
In the beginning of May, Regionstyrelsen approved a collaboration agreement with Linnaeus University, signed by professor Ian Nicolls, dean at the faculty of health and life sciences, and regiondirektör Ingeborg Eriksson at Region Kalmar County. The agreement covers three years, until the expiration of 2021, and the aim is to increase collaboration within a number of fields and to strengthen the common development force within eHealth.
“This venture will reinforce Linnaeus University’s and Region Kalmar County’s leading position within eHealth”, says Ian Nicholls.
Digitialisation in care is still in its initial stage, even though there is rapid development. The ambition for Region Kalmar County is not only to establish different types of digital services but also, primarily, to be of use to health care and the region’s citizens. It is in this light that the collaboration agreement should be seen. Region Kalmar County is considered to be on the forefront within the field of eHealth and the eHealth Institute at Linnaeus University is working to establish a strategic platform for eHealth.
The agreement that has been signed by Linnaeus University and Region Kalmar County is very important to both parties”, says Stefan Lagrosen, professor of business administration and executive manager at the eHealth Institute.
“It gives us the possibility to develop, strengthen and coordinate our competences and, thereby, further establish the region as a leading region within the field of eHealth. In the long term, this will contribute to better care and health for the citizens of the region and increased growth for the trade and industry within the eHealth sector”, Lagrosen continues.
Region Kalmar County will contribute with SEK 500,000 annually to the eHealth Institute and the strategic platform eHealth at Linnaeus University. Linnaeus University will carry out two research-based evaluations each year and be a critical party in the development within the digital field. Members of staff at Region Kalmar County will also be offered the opportunity to take professional development courses within the field of eHealth equivalent to eight full days each year. There is also an intention to apply for structural funds from EU’s regional fund.