Linnaeus University’s Early Years Education Programme and Primary Teacher Programmes are of high quality
Today, the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) made public its decision concerning degree-awarding powers for the early years education programme and the three different specialisations on the primary teacher programme.
“UKÄ confirms that Linnaeus University’s teacher education is of high quality, and we are very happy to receive this information! They also point out several good examples concerning the implementation of the programmes and how we organise our quality-assurance work”, says Stefan Lund, dean at the board of teacher education.
Each programme/specialisation is assessed based on 13 evaluation criteria within the areas of conditions and content, implementation and result (six degree objectives; equality; follow-up; measures, and feedback), student perspective, and working life and collaboration.
“The early years education programme and the specialisations extended school teaching and years 4–6 on the primary teacher programme are considered to be of high quality within all these areas!”
The specialisation F-3 (for work in pre-school and primary school years 1–3) is considered to show high quality in 11 of the 13 evaluation criteria. UKÄ points out flaws in two of the degree objectives that require follow-up, areas where they see improvement potential for the students. For instance, they are of the opinion that students to a greater extent should take part of research and receive training in writing and compiling reports, as preparation for their individual projects.
“These very areas of development were identified and measures were taken in our internal quality-assurance work already in 2016–2017. However, the independent projects that the evaluation group has reviewed are from 2017 and this batch of students was unfortunately not covered by our quality improvements”, explains Stefan Lund.
“We are happy that our teacher programmes are of high quality. The members of staff on our teacher programmes have great knowledge and experience as well as great commitment. Together with course and programme evaluations from our teacher students and alumni questionnaires, this is a receipt that Linnaeus University’s teacher education prepares students for work in the Swedish school and pre-school.
Stefan Lund, dean for the board of teacher education, phone +4672-573 88 90, email
Annika Sand, senior press officer, phone +4676-830 01 05, email