
New master’s programme takes on digital challenges in school

In the autumn 2019, a new second-cycle programme will start at Linnaeus University. On the new programme, which is offered as part-time studies, students within two different fields, pedagogy and media technology, will be brought together. By bringing together these two fields, students are trained who will be able to take on the challenges that the education sector is faced with; for instance, how digital technology can create additional value in teaching.

How can digital technology create additional value for pupils, teachers, and headmasters? In order to provide an answer to this question, the new programme Educational technology with specialisation in pedagogy starts at Linnaeus University this autumn. The courses on the programme will be created and developed together with companies within EdTech (educational technology) and the education sector, everything to make the programme as relevant as possible – for both students and society.

“Students, teachers, and researchers from Linnaeus University will work together with EdTech companies and the education sector. What we have in common is a will to understand how digital technology can best be used in school in order to create as much additional value as possible”, explains Italo Masiello, professor of pedagogy with specialisation in digital learning processes at Linnaeus University, and programme coordinator for the programme.

In demand on the labor market
EdTech is a rapidly expanding field. The education sector and the EdTech industry struggle to find the right competence for how digital technology can be implemented in school in the most efficient way. The continuing professional development of teachers or technical staff that is required by the digital technology is also somewhat of a key issue.

The new programme, backed by a strong interdisciplinary research environment, can be the answer to these challenges, according to Masiello.

“When the students complete their degrees they will be pedagogues with digital competence, or media technologists with pedagogical competence. This is a unique combination that will be much in demand within both the education sector and the EdTech industry”, says Masiello.

The organisations that will take part in the programme are IST AB, Liber AB, Atea AB, Skolon AB, AV-Media Region Kronoberg, the city of Gothenburg, and Swedish EdTech Industry.

Italo Masiello, professor of pedagogy with specialisation in digital learning processes, phone +46470-70 82 03, email

Simon Kristoffersson, senior press officer, phone +4673-051 45 09, email