
New scientific article analyses the culture of peace as a possible intellectual response to the rise of neo-fascist ideology

Goran Basic together with researchers from the universities of Tuzla and Sarajevo has published a new article where they analyse the ideology of neo-fascism, education and culture of peace. The article explains the social need for a public education of a better quality pertaining to the meaning of political, media, and religious use and misuse of “identitarian concepts” and “identitarian terminology” in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

After the end of war conflicts, where the causes of the violence that occurred during war are thought to be due to the misuse of the symbolic collective identity and the content of what we, quite vaguely, call “ethnicity”, “culture”, “religion”, and the similar – social sciences are faced with the task to explain and understand the ideological roots of actual violence that becomes permanent, such as the permanent threat of global war. During the past wars in the Balkans, organised identitarian violence occurred most often as a result of an intentionally produced media and political inability to peacefully differentiate between “us” and “others”, that is, the inability to perceive the meaning of “similarities” and “differences” between “us” and “them” by the public.

Read the full article here