SEK 24.8 million from the Kamprad Family Foundation
The Kamprad Family Foundation has allocated SEK 122 million to research on the theme “simpler solutions to complex problems in health care”. Close to SEK 25 million has been allocated to researchers at Linnaeus University.
Bättre vård till alla – ett landstingsövergripande program för integrerad vård till äldre och deras anhöriga [Better health care for everyone – a county council programme for integrated care to elderly and their relatives]
Mirjam Ekstedt, professor at the department of health and caring sciences, SEK 6.8 million.
Implementation and evaluation of Primary Care Behavioral Health
Viktor Kaldo, professor at the department of psychology, SEK 5 million.
Integrerad vård för ungdomar med missbruksproblem [Integrated health care for adolescents with substance abuse]
Mats Anderberg, senior lecturer at the department of pedagogy and learning, SEK 3 million.
Svårläkta sår – samskapande lösning för en personlig egenvårdsplaneringsprocess för att förebygga återfall [Hard-to-heal wounds – co-creation solution for an individual self-management planning process to prevent relapse]
Cecilia Fagerström, professor at the department of health and caring sciences, SEK 5 million.
Tillitskapande organisering: gränsöverskridande koordinering för barns bästa [Trust-building organisation: cross-boundary coordination for the well-being of children]
Torbjörn Forkby, professor at the department of social work, SEK 5 million.
Annika Sand, senior press officer, phone +4676-830 01 05, email