Vegetation and climate history in focus for new honorary doctor
Professor Qinghai Xu from Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, People’s Republic of China has been appointed honorary doctor 2019 by the faculty of health and life sciences.
Professor Xu is a well-known and highly respected palynologist and geologist. Palynology (the study of pollen and spores) is of tremendous importance for research on vegetation and climate history. Xu’s research focuses on understanding the spread of pollen and pollen analysis of lake sediments and peat in order to be able to reconstruct prehistoric vegetation, climate history, and environmental archaeology.
“Professor Xu’s work together with colleagues at Linnaeus University within the field of palynology has been successful in many respects. The collaboration has created conditions for and resulted in common projects and field expeditions, common grants and publications, and also a successful exchange at third-cycle level. Through this collaboration, professor Xu has contributed in a clear way to Linnaeus University and its research attracting attention in China”.
Unfortunately, professor Qinghai Xu is not able to participate at Linnaeus University’s Academic Ceremony on 1 February. Therefore, he will be conferred his honorary doctorate at the Academic Ceremony in 2020.
Picture text: Professor Qinghai Xu together with Marie-Jose Gaillard-Lemdahl, professor of botany-vegetation history/palaeoecology at Linnaeus University, in the lab in Kalmar.