As from today, Monday 16 March, we use more examination rooms due to the coronavirus
As from today, Monday 16 March, we will add new and more examination rooms in order to increase the space between the desks in building K in Växjö. Go to the room that has been specified in MyMoodle and you will then be guided to the new rooms, if you were to take your examination in building K. In Kalmar and at Stenladan in Växjö, the examination rooms already have separate desks and, therefore, no changes are needed there.
It is of utmost importance that no student or member of staff who show any symptoms a cold come to the university, but instead stay at home until they are well again. We must all take responsibility, show consideration and follow the recommendations from The Public Health Agency of Sweden.
The faculties have also decided to offer more and/or alternative examination sittings in the upcoming months. No one should have to be worried that they will miss the opportunity to take an examination due to symptoms of a cold or illness. More information about new examination forms will be presented during the week.