Register for EUniWell hackaton 14th to 21st September
EUniWell, the European University for Well-Being, unites seven European universities including Linnaeus University. Now EUniWell invites its students to their first Hackathon.
‘Hacking for Well-Being: Our future is changing its direction’ will take place on 14th to 21st September.
The aim of this first virtual hackathon in the series “Hacking for Well-being” is to create concrete ideas and suggestions for approaching the challenges to co-creating a joint EUniWell identity for our seven partner universities selected as a “European University”, which may feed into concrete measures that can be implemented in the European University for Well-Being.
You find more information and the registration form here:
Registration deadline: 3 September, 2020.
The 4 challenges are:
1. #EUniWell Community
Which measures can we take to develop a joint EUniWell identity, despite being a consortium of 7 regionally distant and culturally diverse universities, where membership isn’t governed by location?
2. #Inclusion vs. Bias
As a European University, we are committed to European values, but we also want to show our cultural wealth and diversity and prevent falling to our cultural biases. How can we develop an inclusive environment in all 7 EUniWell partner universities, in the face of cultural biases?
3. #Digital Teaching
Teaching and learning will be conducted by hybrid/blended teaching concepts to enable access to courses from all of our 7 partner universities. What could a Masters’ programme look like with a mixture of digital/offsite and physical/onsite classes?
4. #Students’ Centre Stage
Students’ interests are at the core of our EUniWell alliance. What could be ways and means to facilitate and spread student participation and commitment throughout the alliance?