Growing need for research and innovation in the post Covid-19 world
The outbreak of the coronavirus leads to the disruption of traditional business models and processes. However, crises can also lead to innovation and the introduction of new, more flexible and adaptable ways of working. Thinking long-term and investing in research and development can help companies and organizations prepare for future challenges. Linnaeus University, together with industry and with support from the Knowledge Foundation, will conduct a joint PhD programme in computer science with a focus on data intensive applications.
Linnaeus University recently started the industry graduate school Data Intensive Applications (DIA) to help industrial R&D departments automate and optimize existing processes using data analytics. A joint PhD programme in data intensive sciences and applications is a way to achieve this.
Opportunities for more companies to join
During spring 2020, Volvo CE and Combitech have initiated three PhD positions. Other industry companies like Scania, Södra and Sydved have showed an interest and are planning to initiate positions in the coming year. Linnaeus University still has a few positions open for other industry companies that are interested in joining.
“In these times, it has become even more evident that decision making should be based on reliable data and profound statistical and machine learning models. This observation is true for public health and continues to hold for other sectors, such as the automotive industry, construction, and forestry. Data-driven technologies such as big data, digital twins, and artificial intelligence help improving development and production processes as well as the resulting products. In the industry graduate school Data Intensive Applications, researchers at Linnaeus University and engineers at partner companies will develop, enhance, and apply such technologies”, says Welf Löwe, professor at the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Linnaeus University.
Open PhD position
At present, there is an open PhD position with Sigma Technology in Växjö, with a focus on predictive maintenance systems.
“We believe that a growing number of companies are now realizing the advantages of data analysis to make smarter decisions. For example, data allows you to automatically control the optimal time for maintenance and services to minimize time and cost efforts. The PhD project that we start together with Linnaeus University will focus on predictive maintenance. During the programme, a PhD student will work with big data, data analytics, machine learning, data visualization, sensors, and content management,” says Daniel Björkman, vice president at Sigma Technology Solutions.
More information
For more information about the industry graduate school, contact Diana Unander, +46 (0)70–591 07 29 or, or Welf Löwe,