
New board at Linnaeus University

23 April the Swedish government appointed new chairman and other external members to Linnaeus University’s board for the period 1 May 2020–30 April 2023.

The Swedish government has appointed the following people:

Kerstin Hermansson, board member Swedbank (new)

External members:
Tommy Eklund, CEO Fortnox (new)
Mats Sandgren, forester, board member Södra (new)
Nils Eriksson, CEO/Market at Agalv
Pia Kinhult, strategic adviser, former politician for Moderaterna in Region Skåne
Sara Meunier, vice-CEO at Inera
Stacey Ristinmaa Sörensen, professor of physics and deputy vice-chancellor at Lund University

One more person will be appointed.

In addition to the above, the three teacher representatives Gunilla ByrmanAnders Forsman, and Anders Olsson are members of the University Board, as well as the three student representatives Rebecca EsselgrenHedvig Steensland, and Johan Nilsson from Linnéstudenterna.