Mainly online teaching
On account of the stricter guidelines, we want to clarify what applies for Linnaeus University.
The limit of a maximum of eight people at public gatherings does not apply to universities, since our operations cannot be equated with a public gathering or public event.
We continue to conduct most of our teaching in digital form, but we will not shut down the university. Our operations will continue, although mainly in digital form.
A recently carried out inventory shows that roughly 80–90 percent of all our teaching and examination is conducted in digital form. We are now also reviewing whether there are additional elements that can be offered in digital form. However, certain elements will still have to take place in our facilities. This applies also for certain examinations which will still be necessary to carry out as regular written examinations.
We urge all students who do not have on-campus teaching in their timetables to study from home to as large an extent as possible. However, our facilities will remain open. The University Library, for instance, will have the same opening hours as usual. The University Library in Kalmar will close temporarily though, between 23 November and 18 January, as the library is being moved to the new facilities at Universitetskajen. During this period, you will find the library’s limited services in building Radix, next to Infocenter (Ra1111).
Otherwise, the recommendations from authorities apply.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones!