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SEK 12.5 million to the humanities and social sciences from the Swedish Research Council

Reproduction and politics on Swedish television, collaboration between digital film archives, the state’s role in the creation of alienation in Latin America, and good pornography for the Swedish people. These are the topics of the four research projects at Linnaeus University that have now been granted SEK 12.5 million from the Swedish Research Council.

The Swedish Research Council has now presented what applications have been granted funds within the humanities and social sciences 2020. Four researchers at Linnaeus University have been granted a total of SEK 12.5 million.

The following researchers at Linnaeus University are allocated funds:

  • Elisabet Björklund, senior lecturer at the Department of Film and Literature, receives SEK 2,850,000 divided over three years for the project Reproduktion, medicin och politik i svensk television, 1956–1975.
  • Dagmar Brunow, associate professor at the Department of Film and Literature, receives SEK 3,830,000 divided over four years for the project Det förlorade kulturarvet: Att öka samverkan mellan digitala filmarkiv.
  • Mariah Larsson, professor at the Department of Film and Literature, receives SEK 2,724,000 divided over three years for the project God pornografi till folket: Sexuell välfärd, Fräcka fredag och den svenska porrdiskursen på det sena 1980-talet.
  • Eleonora Poggio, researcher at the Department of Cultural Sciences, receives SEK 2,746,000 divided over three years for the project Att forma främlingskap. Statens roll i bildande av sociala tillhörighetskategorier i koloniala Latinamerika, 1590–1700.

In addition, Linnaeus University is granted close to SEK 2 million in journal contributions divided over three years for the following projects:

  • Meta-Psychology, Psychology(excluding applied psychology), SEK 627 000
  • Arkiv. Tidskrift för samhällsanalys, interdisciplinary studies in social sciences, history, SEK 390 000
  • Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, Pedagogy, SEK 975 000

The Swedish Research Council grants a total of SEK 498 million to research within the humanities and social sciences for the years 2021–2025.