Forest stream

SEK 15 million from Formas to five researchers at Linnaeus University

Forma’s research council has decided what research projects within the fields of environmental science, agricultural sciences, and community building will be allocated funds in the annual, open call for proposals. Researchers from Swedish universities and research institutes get to share SEK 625 million over the years 2021–2024.

A total of SEK 15 million goes to five researchers at Linnaeus University, according to the following:

Jørgen Bruhn
Department of Film and Literature
Intermedial ekokritik
SEK 2,995,053

Mark Dopson
Department of Biology and Environmental Science
Effekter av klimatförändringar I en Östersjövik som har värmts upp under 50 år
SEK 2,989,000

Samuel Hylander
Department of Biology and Environmental Science
Hur uppstår tiaminbrist hos toppredatorer?
SEK 2,987,248

Henrik Drake
Department of Biology and Environmental Science
Mikrobiell metangas i jordskorpan – volymer, flöden och konsekvenser
SEK 2,997,558

Changxun Yu
Department of Biology and Environmental Science
Uranets mobilisering och redoxkemi i två boreala sulfidiska landskap: Inverkan av järn- och svavelmineraliseringar samt växlande våta-torra perioder
SEK 2,993,360

Out of a total of 1,575 project applications that were submitted in the annual open call for proposals 2020, 188 projects were granted funds. All projects that have been granted funding are characterised by high scientific quality and societal relevance.

The call for proposals 2020 contained two different forms of funding one could apply for: Research projects and Research projects for researchers at an early stage of their career, of which Changxun Yu was granted the latter.