SEK 16.5 million to four researchers
Just recently, the Swedish Research Council allocated funds to projects within educational science, the natural sciences, and technology. Four researchers at Linnaeus University receive a total of SEK 16.5 million in funding.
The researchers at Linnaeus University who receive the funds are:
- Rickard Carlsson, associate professor of psychology, who receives SEK 5,195,000 divided over four years for the project Omprövning av Hattie’s lista över framgångsrikt lärande: Meningsfulla effektstorlekar från standardiserade meta-analyser.
- Åsa Trulsson, senior lecturer at the Department of Cultural Sciences, who receives SEK 4,004,000 divided over four years for the project Idag ska vi prata om kondomer; sex och samlevnadsundervisning bland unga migranter och flyktingar och solidaritetetens möjligheter.
- Anders Forsman, professor at the Department of Biology and Environment, who receives SEK 3,652,000 divided over four years for the project Långtidsuppvärmda Östersjövikar kan avslöja hur klimatförändringar påverkar biodiversitet och ekosystemfunktioner.
- Nacira Agram, associate senior lecturer at the Department of Mathematics, who receives SEK 3,600,000 divided over four years for the project Framsteg inom Stokastisk Kontrollteori och Applikationer.
Annika Sand, communications officer, phone +4676-830 01 05,