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SEK 18 million from the Kamprad Family Foundation to Linnaeus University

Just recently, Linnaeus University received SEK 17.8 million in research grants from the Kamprad family Foundation. The money is allocated to projects that lead to new solutions of direct benefit to the environment, and researchers work together with companies, the public sector, and civil society. Four projects at the university share the research grant.

Stefan Lagrosen, director of the eHealth Insitute, has received SEK 9 million for the project eHälsa för hållbar vård och omsorg i Kronoberg.
The project is carried out in collaboration with Region Kronoberg, Nationella rådet för eHälsa, Socialstyelsens råd för eHälsa och digital omställning, samt Svensk Förening för Medicinck Informatik.

Bengt Nilsson, researcher at the Department of Forestry and Wood Technology, has received SEK 4.6 million for the project Hållbar räddningstjänst i svensk landsbygd – det lokala engagemangets betydelse.
The project is carried out in collaboration with, among others, the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University, Räddningstjänsten in Ljungby, Räddningstjänsten Västra Blekinge, and Förbundet Sveriges Frivilliga Brandkårer.

Peter Lerman, senior lecturer at the Department of Forestry and Wood Technology, has received SEK 2.9 million for the project Utveckling av industriell värmekameramätning för energieffektiv styrning av virkestorkning.
The project is carried out in collaboration with RISE, JGA, and Termisk Systemteknik.

Joacim Rosenlund, senior lecturer at the Department of Organisation and Entrepreneurship, has received SEK 1.3 million for the project Samverkan för ett spelifierat miljöhus.
The project is carried out in collaboration with University of Skövde, Kalmarsundsregionens renhållare, Fastighetsägarna, SCB, and Projektbyggaren Teknik AB.


Annika Sand, senior press officer, email, phone +4676-830 01 05.