
How to get vaccinated in Växjö och Kalmar

The vaccination bus has now left the campus in Växjö and you who want to get vaccinated can now turn to the regular vaccination clinics to book an appointment. You book your appointment online at

Have you already received your first dose somewhere else and wish to book your second dose in Växjö? Contact a vaccination clinic via email or phone. You will find all vaccination clinics on State what vaccine you were given in dose 1 and on what date you were vaccinated. If you received your first dose abroad, you must show documentation to verify this.

If you cannot book an appointment yourself, you can get help. Do you have language difficulties, lack a Swedish personal identity number, or other reason that makes it difficult to book an appointment for vaccination? Call 0470-58 60 00 and we will call you back within a week.

The largest vaccination clinic in Växjö is located in Tipshallen by Arenastaden. Most of you who have received your first vaccine dose in the vaccine bus on campus and have been assigned a time for dose two, will take your second dose at the vaccination clinic in Tipshallen.

Find the vaccination site in Tipshallen, Växjö

If you take a bus, the stop is called Arenastaden Södra, where city buses 3 and 9 stop. Bus 3 that you can take directly from campus. You can also take bus 4 and then get off at the stop Arenastaden Norra. Then go towards Värendsvallen. See map for exact entrance in Tipshallen.

The vaccination bus is on campus in Växjö on Thursday 23 September

The vaccination bus will come back to campus in Växjö on Thursday 23 September between 9 am and 2 pm to offer drop-in vaccination against Covid-19.

You can get either your first or second dose on the bus. Bring a valid ID. Also if you have gotten your first dose abroad, you can get your second dose on the bus. In that case, bring documentation verifying your first dose.

Book your vaccination in Kalmar County

If you are to book your first dose of the vaccine, you book an appointment for vaccination on 

Have you already received your first dose somewhere else and wish to book your second dose in Kalmar? Call 0480-844 44 to get help booking an appointment. State what vaccine you were given in dose 1 and on what date you were vaccinated. If you received your first dose abroad, you must show documentation to verify this.

If you have protected personal data, you cannot book an appointment online, instead call 0480-844 44 to get help booking an appointment.