Aladino presented at the Swedish Manufacturing R&D Cluster’s annual Cluster Conference
The Swedish automotive industry has initiated a structure for coordination of research and development - Sweden's Production Cluster. In 2020, RISE was commissioned to coordinate the clusters, which at the same time have expanded their target group to all companies with manufacturing in Sweden. Today, eight active clusters coordinate different areas of expertise in manufacturing. Four of these focuses on manufacturing processes and the other four cover areas that support all processes.
Sweden's Production Cluster organizes an annual conference together with leading R&D actors in Sweden. The main organizers are the automotive industry in Sweden in collaboration with The Scandinavian Automotive Supplier Association, RISE, SuPr / Södertälje Science Park, Production2030 and FFI Sustainable Production. (Conference programme)
Linnaeus University was invited as a speaker to share their work with Predicting Digital Twin for Production Planning in the project Aladino. The presentation was held by Claudia Kopf, Scania CV AB; Johanna Sigvardsson, Virtual Manufacturing; and Diego Perez Palacin, Linnaeus University.
"This is an interesting and important area to collaborate on and it is therefore a pleasure to welcome Linnaeus University into the warmth of the cluster", says Grethe Hallberg Scania in her capacity as chair of the cluster.
The opportunity for Aladino to show preliminary results and plans ahead opens up for new collaborations and make the strengths of the university known.
"Getting in touch with different companies and learning from their experience, the challenges and practices towards digitalization is very valuable for us and we welcome dialogue and collaborations with other companies and organizations as well", says Mauro Caporuscio, project leader of Aladino
Do you want to be able to create a model of all parts of your organization and be able to simulate and analyze it, to assess and optimize the organization? The Aladino project welcomes companies and organizations to work with project partners to explore how you can best benefit from the new technology known as a digital twin of the organization.