Sofia Ratzinger alumna from Design + Change at Linnaeus University

Alumni story: Sofia is using design as a tool for change

After graduation from Design + Change, Sofia was craving for a business approach to design, so she moved to Berlin and began working in communications at a sustainability consultancy startup. Today, she runs her own design business.

– The Design + Change programme caught my attention because it was one of few bachelor’s degree programmes in Europe that have a holistic approach to design. Before beginning my studies, I knew that I was interested in several areas within design, and I didn’t quite feel like narrowing down to a specific field yet. For me, it was clear that this programme was not merely about making something aesthetically pleasing but using design as a meaningful tool for change.

Sofia appreciates the teaching style that lets students explore different mediums, and the facilities are good.

– I found that the style of teaching was quite free in terms of being able to explore different mediums such as graphic design, textile design, photography, and product design. One of the highlights of the programme are the facilities that you have access to as a design student. Having access to all different types of workshops; such as screen-printing, woodwork, and a photo studio is such a luxury.

If you have an interest in exploring design, this programme will suit you.

– If you plan to understand and explore design from different perspectives, always with the social and environmental impact in mind, then this is the programme for you. The programme really supports self-exploration and develop your design skills through both theoretical and artistic design work.

Building on her dreams

After her graduation, Sofia was craving for a business approach to design, rather than an academic one, so she moved to Berlin to work.

– I wanted to understand how sustainability-consulting functions work and learn how to run a sustainable business. I began working at a sustainability consultancy startup in Berlin where I worked in communications, putting my diverse design skills into practice.

Today she runs her own business.

– I began freelancing on the side and eventually took the leap to start my own design business full-time. Since about a year, I’ve been working on building this dream of mine. My mission is to combine ethics with aesthetics. I work with conscious businesses in the field of sustainability to amplify their positive impact through compelling visuals.