Buddy programme

Broaden your horizons – Become a buddy to an international student!

”A truly rewarding experience”, ”A great way to meet new people that later became good friends”, ”When I was new I had a buddy so it feels good to be able to pay it forward”. This is what a few previous buddies say about the Buddy program experience. The Buddy program is a cooperation betwee the Linnaeus Union, Linnaeus University and in Växjö also with ESN Växjö.

Each year about 1000 international students study at Linnaeus University. Studying abroad can be a big adjustment, and the Buddy program plays an important part in supporting new international students. Despite the Corona pandemic new students will arrive next semester which is why new buddies are needed for fall 2021!

The aim of the Buddy program is to support international students and make them feel welcome, in Kalmar or in Växjö. As a buddy you may help one or several students by taking a ”fika”, go shopping, show campus and/or the town. As a buddy you may answer common questions and give advice on the student life at Linnaeus University. All that is part of your everyday life is new to them!

5 reasons to become a buddy! You may:

  • Learn about a culture different from your own
  • Make new friends
  • Become an important person to a newcomer
  • Improve your language skills
  • Network and learn something new

When registering to become a buddy you can make lots of choices, such as choosing countries, hobbies etc. Register here! 

Do you want more info before registration? Read more about the Buddy programme here.