Important changes in connecting to the Linnaeus University's wireless network eduroam from 2 November, 2021
On 2 November, the certificate for the university's wireless network eduroam will be changed. A certificate is a proof that a service meets specific, set requirements and is used at Linnaeus University to ensure that the connection is made to the university network service and not a service that pretends to be the university.
What does this mean for me as a student? Depending on the type of device you use to connect to eduroam, you may need to take certain steps to be able to continue to connect to eduroam from 2 November.
If you are unable to connect to eduroam, you will need to remove your current eduroam configuration from your device and install a new configuration. You do this by following the instructions in the Service Portal's FAQ for eduroam.
I have followed the instructions in the Service Portal but still cannot connect to eduroam, what should I do? If you are still having problems connecting to eduroam after following the instructions in the Service Portal, please contact IT Support.