Med anledning av corona

New guidelines and recommendations as from 8 December

Today, 8 December, The Public Health Agency of Sweden introduces new guidelines and recommendations to limit the spread of covid-19 in society and to reduce the risk of the health care services becoming overburdened.

According to the Public Health Agency of Sweden, the most important measure is that everyone who has the possibility to vaccinate themselves do this. Learn more about how to get vaccinate din Kalmar and Växjö.

If you have any symptoms of covid-19 you should stay at home, also if your symptoms are mild. This applies both for those who are vaccinated and those who are not vaccinated. You must also get tested. Testing is free of charge for everyone. Learn more about how to get tested.

The restrictions and precautionary measures that are now being introduced do not affect teaching and examinations. These will continue according to plan, but with certain precautionary measures. In this context, it is also important to remember that teaching and examinations do not count as public gatherings or public events.

To as great an extent as possible, the university should make it possible for everyone in our facilities to keep the distance. Avoid crowding and larger gatherings at entry and exit at lecture rooms, computer rooms, and library.

Furthermore, the general public is recommended to avoid crowding on public transportation by choosing to travel at other times than during rush hour or using other means of transportation, like, for instance, walking, riding a bicycle or driving a car. The Public Health Agency of Sweden also recommends wearing protective mask on public transportation if it is not possible to avoid crowding.