Christina Mörtberg

Professor of informatics gives keynote at workshop on gender, diversity and ICT

Christina Mörtberg, senior professor at the Department of Informatics at Linnaeus University, will give a the closing keynote talk at a workshop arranged by of International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Technical Committee Working Group on Gender, Diversity, and ICT.

The workshop will be held on 16 April 2021 at Linköping University and the keynote is entitled Thinking with care as the transition from recovery to repairment. Also participating in the workshop is Annelie Ekelin, senior lecturer in vocational skills and technology, with a lecture entitled Repairment of communication deficit issues in society through norm creative municipal communication.

The IFIP working group is dedicated to research and action regarding how gender and diversity are accounted for and/or come into being in close relations with the social and material world, including not least digital technologies. Read more about the workshop and the program.