the award diploma

Project on visualization awarded at international conference

A degree project at Master level on how to improve production processes in a plastic factory resulted in a paper for the International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction. The paper was so highly appreciated that it won the Best short paper award for the entire conference.

The paper Visual Analysis of Industrial Multivariate Time Series is based on Maath Musleh’s degree project at the Master programme Social Media and Web Technologies. The project was carried out in collaboration with local industry in Småland including Lean Automation, Hordagruppen, and Inkomst 4.0. Co-writers of the paper are Maath Musleh’s supervisors Ilir Jusufi and Angelos Chatzimparmpas, both researchers in the research group Information and Software Visualization (ISOVIS).

In the paper, different visualization methods for data acquisited from a plastic factory are explored, to enable decision-makers to improve the production processes.  The methods proposed can be generalized to be used in other industrial settings. What is needed is a rich sensor environment with focus on time-dependent data.

The paper won the Best short paper award  at the 14th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (Vinci 2021), held in Potsdam, Germany, 6–7 September 2021. Vinci is one of the most important international fora for researchers and industrial practitioners to discuss the state of the art in visual communication theories, designs, and applications.