Campus Växjö in autumn

SEK 17.1 million to research in the humanities and social sciences from the Swedish Research Council

Four research projects at Linnaeus University, within the subjects of history, archaeology and sociology, receive a total of SEK 17 million in research grants from the Swedish Research Council.

The Swedish Research Council has announced a decision on what applications have been granted project funds within the humanities and social sciences for 2021. The following four applications from Linnaeus University receive a total of SEK 17,110,000 in research grants:

  • Gunnel Cederlöf, professor of history
    SEK 3,542,000 for the project “Flöden och kamp i Trans-Himalayaregionen”.
  • Anders Högberg, professor or archaeology
    SEK 4,853,000 for the project “Innovationsprocesser, kunskapsförmedlingssystem och mobilitet i Sydskandinavisk stenålder”.
  • Bengt Larsson, professor of sociology
    SEK 3,877,000 for the project “Välfärdsprofessionellt beslutsfattande – diskretion, principer och program”.
  • Peter Skoglund, senior lecturer in archaeology
    SEK 4,856,000 for the project “Från gestaltning till handling – Den narrativa vändningen i förhistoriskt bildskapande i norra Europa”.

The Swedish Research Council granted a total of almost SEK 400 million in funds to research in the humanities and social sciences for the years
2021–2025. Out of a total of 1,002 submitted applications, 100 were granted funds.

More information

All projects that were granted funds on the Swedish Research Council’s website