
The Linnaeus University Centre Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies announces research grants

The Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies invites applications for 1,5 + 1,5 year research grants for the period 2022–2024, provided that the Rector of Linnaeus University decides to fund the centre during the period. Grant recipients, who must hold a PhD and have a permanent employment at Linnaeus University, can receive up to 50% research time to be devoted to a research project conducted on a topic connected to the methodological, theoretical and empirical concerns of the centre, and to participate in seminars, workshops and other activities organized by the centre.

For more information and application form, please visit the Staff page.

LNUC Concurrences was established in 2012 and is one of six Linnaeus University Research Centres of Excellence. The centre focuses on colonial and postcolonial studies and consists of currently around 25 scholars from multiple disciplines, including Archaeology, History, Literature, Social work, Sociology, and the Study of Religions, from PhD students to full professors. Research at the centre is organized in three research clusters: Aesthetics of Empire, Colonial Connections and Comparisons, and Migration, Citizenship and Belonging.

The centre now announces research grants for a period of up to 1,5 + 1,5 years during 2022–2024 for conducting research that connects with the concerns of the centre, provided that the Rector of Linnaeus University and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities decide to fund the centre during the period 2022­­–26. Eligible applicants must have a PhD and be permanently employed at Linnaeus University at the time of the deadline for the application. The centre will consider applications from all faculties at Linnaeus University but has limited possibilities to support researchers outside the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

Successful applicants will be granted research time of up to 50 per cent of full-time, depending on academic degree, position, research merits, proposed research and other sources of internal or external research funding. Research applications from lecturers are expected to be in the interval 10–30 per cent whereas full professors can apply for up to 50 per cent. Note that the awarding of a research grant by LNUC Concurrences may entail a decrease in the research time paid for by your faculty, depending on the policy of each faculty. It is also possible to apply for membership of LNUC Concurrences without applying for a research grant.


The present call only concerns research time, but in addition, members of LNUC Concurrences have the opportunity to apply for funding for direct costs such as travel and workshop expenses directly related to their research project during the period when they are members of the centre.


The allocation of the amount of research time will be decided by the steering group of LNUC Concurrences and will be based on the applicants’ track-record of excellent research, the quality and relevance of the proposed research, other sources of research funding, and, in the case the applicant has previously been a member of LNUC Concurrences, demonstrated commitment to the research and activities of the centre.


Those who receive the grant are expected to contribute to the interdisciplinary environment of LNUC Concurrences by:


  1. conducting the project that is outlined in the application;
  2. participating in seminars, workshops and other activities organized by the centre (in English);
  3. when appropriate, collaborating with other scholars, postdoctoral fellows, guest researchers, and graduate students within the centre;
  4. submitting a minimum of two to five manuscripts for peer-reviewed articles or book chapters (depending on the amount of research funding) to journals or publishers with at least a level 1 rating (in accordance with the list provided by Norsk senter for forskningsdata, NSD);
  5. submitting, individually or as part of a research group, a minimum of one proposal for substantial external research funding;
  6. connecting with local and international society in line with the policies of the centre and Linnaeus University for Societal Driving Forces; and
  7. actively participating in the activities of at least one research cluster.

At the end of the spring semester 2023, the performance of the researchers will be evaluated in relation to the goals above. The steering group will then decide whether the grant should be extended for up to 1,5 more years.


The application should consist of the following parts, all of which must be consolidated into one pdf-document:

  1. completed application form
  2. a project description of the proposed research (maximum 3 pages including references and footnotes).
  3. a CV (maximum 2 pages).

Welcome to send your application to Åse Magnusson,, no later than 30 June 2021. The applications will be reviewed and decided by the centre’s steering group and applicants will be notified at the end of August 2021. The steering group may decide to approve other levels of research time and funding than those applied for. The decision of the steering group cannot be appealed.

For more information, contact the director of LNUC Concurrences, Professor Stefan Eklöf Amirell,, ph. 0470-76 78 48.