at the university

What Linnaeus University does at written examinations

The absolute majority (about 95 percent) of all activities at Linnaeus University are now carried out online. However, there are certain elements on some of our courses and programmes that cannot be carried out online in a satisfactory and legally sound way, which means that these elements must be carried out in our facilities. We do all we can to ensure that these elements are carried out in a way that does not contribute to any further spread of infection.

In order to create a safe environment for the students who take a written examination in our facilities, we have thinned out in our examination rooms to ensure that there is at least 2 metres between every writing desk. Also, there is never more than 50 people taking a written examination in one rom, which means that one and the same group may have to take their examination in several different rooms.

All invigilators are now urged to wear protective masks in cases where it is not possible to keep the distance; for instance, when students enter the room and when the invigilators walk the room during the examination.

Furthermore, we carry out extra cleaning work in the examination rooms before every written examination. Above all, we focus extra carefully on surfaces that people touch with their hands. There is also hand sanitizer available in all examination rooms.

At written examinations with many participants, there are also Securitas guards present, to make sure that there is no crowding in, for instance, hallways.

The examiner decides what form of examination is suitable for the element to be examined, and this decision should take into account both that the examination must be legally sound and in what form it should be carried out. The content of the course that is to be examined affects the decision on written examination, since certain elements are not suited for online examination. In cases where it is decided that a written examination should be carried out, the assessment concerning whether the written examination can be carried out in a way that does not contribute to any further spread of infection has been made in consultation with several parties.

The Public Health Agency of Sweden has issued recommendations for the written examinations that are still carried out, to ensure that they are carried out in a way that does not contribute to any further spread of infection. The agency does not advise against written examinations in cases where such examination is required in order for the examination to be legally sound for the students taking it.

If you show the slightest symptoms, if you have taken a corona test and is waiting for the result, or if you have been confirmed to have covid-19 – do not show up at the examination room. In case you cannot take part at a written examination, you will always have the opportunity to do a resit. Contact your teacher for more information on resits.

We would also like to remind you that during the ongoing pandemic we must all take extra responsibility to protect both ourselves and others from infection.