demonstration with a sign with the text "democracy" inside a heart

Call for funding for project application to Horizon Europe on democracy

The Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: A Questioned Democracy announces funding to initiate research applications to the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023-2024: Innovative research on democracy and governance. Last date for applications for this funding is 29 October 2022.

According to early information, this call will be of great interest for research on the problems of a questioned democracy. A Questioned Democracy wants to be a meeting place where new knowledge is generated to meet the questioning of liberal democracy. With this call we want to support Linnaeus University's researchers to seek research funding from Horizon Europe: Innovative research on democracy and governance.

Through our call, Linnaeus University's researchers are offered to seek funds to organize international contacts, workshops and what is needed to write a successful application to Horizon Europe: Innovative research on democracy and governance. As it stands, there will be two application rounds to Horizon Europe: Innovative research on democracy and governance – one in March 2023 and one in 2024.

A Questioned Democracy will provide funding of SEK 300,000 each for two applications. When deciding on funding, the knowledge environment’s management team makes an assessment of how successful the idea is in relation to the topics presented in the finished call for Horizon Europe: Innovative research on democracy and governance. In addition, success in previous applications for external research funding is taken into account. Allocated funds can be used in 2022 and 2023.

Outline of the applications

The application, which may contain a maximum of 15,000 characters (including spaces, excluding reference list), must contain:

  • A description of which topic the planned application to Horizon Europe intends to address.
  • A description of the planned project's idea, purpose and main issues.
  • The applicant's network at Linnaeus University, as well as nationally and internationally, that may be included in the planned project, and a description of the role of various researchers.
  • Name, position, and institutional affiliation of main applicant.

Who can apply?

  • Applicants must have a PhD and be permanently employed at Linnaeus University.
  • Applicants may only participate in one application in this round.


  • We want your application no later than 29 October 2022.
  • Two applications will be granted for SEK 300,000 each.
  • The application should be sent to .
  • For any questions, contact A Questioned Democracy’s project leader Magnus Hagevi.
  • The granted funds are administered by the main applicant's institution and will be made available to the applicant on 1 December 2022.